Ideal candidate At REI Development Services we are looking for a NOC Agent (Network Operations Center) who is enthusiastic, creative, responsible and have the wish to grow alongside with us. We value our employees because they are our most important asset and the key of our success.That is why it is important to have around…


Ideal candidate Are you looking for thе challenge to be part of a creative and dedicated software developers’ team? Then it just happened for you to be in thе right place at thе right time. At REI Development Services we are looking for talented Security Analysts who are enthusiastic, creative, responsible and have thе wish…


Acceptând „Termeni și condiții” (I) vă exprimați consimțământul prompt și neechivoc că datele transmise în formularul existent pot fi transmise către REI Development Services S.R.L. („REI”) pentru a putea fi procesate, respectând Legea nr. 190/2018, respectiv nr. Regulamentul UE 2016/679, pentru a oferi informații cu privire la serviciile REI, direct sau prin intermediul partenerilor contractuali…


R.E.I. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S.R.L. in colectarea, procesarea si pastrarea datelor cu caracter personal In baza prevederilor Regulamentului nr. 679/2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date (GDPR), Prezenta Politica de confidentialitate vizeaza numai clientii R.E.I. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S.R.L. şi utilizatorii serviciilor noastre…


R.E.I. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S.R.L. regarding the collection, processing and storage of personal data Based on the provisions of Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the protection of physical persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR), this Privacy Policy only concerns the clients of R.E.I. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S.R.L.…


By accepting “Terms and conditions” (I) you express your prompt and unambiguous consent that the submitted data in the existent form can be transmitted to REI Development Services S.R.L. (“REI”) in order to be processed, by respecting Law no. 190/2018, respectively no. 2016/679 EU Regulation, in order to offer information regarding REI’s services, directly or…

Application Support & Maintenance

Provides support and maintenance services to help the customers keep the software and hardware environment running properly throughout the entire operations. Our clients’ software will remain functional, secure and up to date, due to our dedicated support team and quality services.